First, don’t just settle for the camera phone. If it’s all you have, we can work with it (see below). But, when available, the trusty point and shoot digital camera will deliver a far superior image. If you happen to have a DSLR even better.
If you’re not a trained photographer, that’s okay! Trust the automatic modes, but make sure you have sufficient light, to limit the flash needs. We can take any image and turn it into a masterpiece of imagination. The higher the resolution and crisper the image, the better the final portrait. Inspect your camera’s manual or look here if you can’t find it. When taking your photos, consider:
- Take many photos – the gold will be in there
- Try many different angles
- low looking up
- high looking down
- from the sides
- tight in on the child’s face, for details
- Get your child to do poses and imagine how their character would act, make it fun for them, be loud!
- A stick, yes from your yard, can be so many different things
- A wand
- A sword
- A bow
- Be imaginative
If you do need to use a camera phone, that’s okay, see camera phone tips below.